Sunday 24 May 2009

Well it's about time.

Words from plays I've just done stay in my mind for several weeks post show. And sometimes they come out of my mouth in response to various occurrences in my real life, such as today, when I read my first Sunday Styles section in six weeks (Lancaster only seemed to sell the NYT at the liquor store, proving how enjoying both marks you as a marginal personality in Lanc Lanc). Styles today shared a story long awaited in my life; the launch of a Jewish American Girl doll. I grew up with the dolls--I own Molly, Kirsten, and Felicity--and my mom noticed early on that of all the historical girl dolls from varying backgrounds parents could buy for their children, none were Jewish. This was particularly incensing in my household since there happened to be living there, a (kind-of) Jewish American girl. My mom even wrote a letter to the company about it, and years later, when the flagship store opened in Manhattan, I scribbled something about it on a suggestion card, always happy to carry grudge. Anyway, I know what I want for Christmas.
On grudges: Styles also reports today about the current culture of nice. No snarkiness allowed in today's tempestuous times. I immediately thought of the book lying on my coffee table, The Pleasure of Hating. That I own the book but haven't yet read it I read as a testament to my snarky mind but kind heart. I also happened to receive my copy of How to Lose Friends and Alienate People (the film) from Netflix today. Coincidence?

1 comment:

  1. Maybe if you get the Jewess doll we can bring out all our AG girls and have a bat mitzvah??
